Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dutch Treat

Jr. has jetted off to Holland for a vacation with old friends. I hope she's having a great time in her old stomping grounds. I imagine she is bicycling all over, eating eels with the heads still attached and speaking dutch like the native she once was. Bon Voyage Weezy, and don't fall in any canals!

Here it is 6:00 a.m. and it's cold! Hump day but Binder will be a little easier to bear as yesterday I got an incentive check for four cases I got remanded (approved to be reheard by Appeals Council based on arguments I wrote). Nothing like cash to make a job less hideous. My brain feels like a sludgy mass and I need more coffee. Unfortunately, I forgot to buy sugar AGAIN so coffee is barely palatable. Will end here and post a poem by a Dutch poet that will at least be more coherent than the rest of this post.

Miss A

On September 19, a misty
nineteenth, Miss A stepped-off
from the wrong side of her house-boat
Sweet Content
into the waters of ‘The Deep’.
The cold had come, she had been unable
to get the stove to light,
her old mother had died,
everything was creaking, going to rust,
from her galley God and the
DHSS seemed out of reach.

She disembarked.

Rutger Kopland


Blogger Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

ok, the eel? seriously, is just sick and wrong. and to eat it just like that? no, i'm pretty sure G*d never intended that. chop it up, batter the sucker with an inch of cornmeal batter and fry it into near oblivion. THEN eat it with lots of tarter and onions. But raw like that.


3:52 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

Well, I was being slightly obnoxious to make a point. I've only seen it smoked in Holland, which was gross but not quite as gross as the pic here. Waiting for Weezer Jr's outraged reply!

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K., this is my second outraged reply. The first one never got posted on account of my not being able to read German and hitting the wrong button. Huuuhhhhh, the two of you need to live closer to each other so I knock your heads together! I unfortunately did not get a chance to eat any delicious eel while I was in Amsterdam, but I did visit a very cool festival called Robodoc that is similar to the Burning Man festival. Lots of drunk Dutch people standing dangerously close to robots on fire. I read this post while visiting a friend in Cologne and couldn't help but think about how much slimmer I was when I ate things like eel! When I move to Weehawken I am going to pretend I am back in Holland and eat things like pickled Herring! The two of you can keep your cupcakes and deep fried fish!!!!! A big, fat raspberry to you both!!!!!!

6:16 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

Of course you were slimmer when you were eating eels on account of the upchucking!

6:21 AM  

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