Friday, November 03, 2006

Death and Dogs

Awful news, Adrienne Shelly is dead. She starred in my all time favorite movie Trust, which I have mentioned here before. She hung herself, with a three year old daughter and an Indie film being considered for Sundance. God damn it, what crappy news to go with my morning coffee.

Good news, new doggie is lovely. She is a love and listens fairly well. We are all in love with her (except for the cats who are disgusted.) Her name keeps changing. If anyone has an idea for a name, please leave it in comments. She is a smallish, spanial setter mix and is a pretty reddish color. She tried to sit in my lap while I was driving us home from the pound. She has very sweet, soulful cinnamony brown eyes.

The Dog of Art

That dog with daisies for eyes
who flashes forth
flame of his very self at every bark
is the Dog of Art.
Worked in wool, his blind eyes
look inward to caverns and jewels
which they see perfectly,
and his voice
measures forth the treasure
in music sharp and loud,
sharp and bright,
bright flaming barks,
and growling smoky soft, the Dog
of Art turns to the world
the quietness of his eyes.

Denise Levertov


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog names - Ruby, Sepia, Paprika, Vermilion, Dolly, Dover, Tawny, Cherry, and my favorite..... Scarlet!!!

8:57 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

Excellent choices Jr.! The children however have decided on Lady, and won't budge. I love Scarlet!

10:04 AM  

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