Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Sky is Very Blue Today

It feels like fall and I am delighted. Let it be fall for months and months and months. It's Sunday and I'm supposed to be writing a freelance story on preschool teacher transitions into new classrooms, but I am so happy and bouncy I keep getting up and doing other stuff like laundry and making bacon sandwiches. I GOT THE WRITING JOB! Yes, have given my notice at Kiddy Academie and only two more weeks of dressing like a fast food emporium cashier. I will NEVER wear a red shirt again. BFI has found employment again, just ahead of being jailed for non-payment of child support. Why nobody sees a pattern here besides me is a mystery, but at least kids and I will be in better shape for a while. If pattern holds true, BFI should hold his job for approx. 18 months. And there's room for advancement where I'm going. My deep and heartfelt thanks to the powers that be. Namaste to the entire world!

Prayer for a Tenspeed Heart

Let the fire of my body
propel and warm me
and let each darkness
reveal its plenitude.

Let the hills
flatten under my wheels
and let the eloquent curves
yield up their good surprise.

Let my heart be obstinate
when I need to climb
and let my lowliest gears
restrain my spinning down.

Let there be flatland, too,
and into that glittering place
let me stretch with the heart of a lover,
at full speed, blind and intent.

~ Barbara Hendryson ~

(Cries of the Spirit, edited by Marilyn Sewell)


Blogger Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

May it be all blue skies and green lights. Cheers. The fourth person

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That lovely green adornment
upon my Callery Pear
Shall disapear so silent
into winter's blighted stare
No more to cheer me onward
into summer's lovely haze
Ice like daggers puncturing growth
and green's sweet homey gaze

5:49 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

Dear Jr., This is very beautiful. We are sister poets! Summer still sucks. Sr.

6:17 AM  

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