Saturday, February 21, 2009

Out of Step

I just figured out that FP is one of my friends on Face Book. I don't really get how Face Book works entirely, because I am old and foggy. FP, forgive my idiocy. I love you very much!

Odd happenings, spent some time yesterday at work trying to figure out how to best describe a client's illness in a case summary, an eye disease called nystagmus that I never heard of. Then last night I was reading a novel called Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver, and a character in the book had nystagmus. Weird coincidence. Then last night I dreamt that the kids and I drove to my brother's house, twice to squirt scented powder all over the front of the house to make it smell nice. I don't talk to my brother really, so what the hell did that mean?

The boy is driving me bonkers, but my friend Lia suggested a book called Yes, Your Teen is Crazy. Thank god for Lia and that book! It is already helping me deal with my teen whose brain seems to have been replaced with a swirl of hormonal mush. Lesson one, do not engage in arguments with a crazy person! I have some work to do.

Mothers, Daughters

Through every night we hate,
preparing the next day's war.
She bangs the door.
Her face laps up my own
despair, the sour brown eyes,
the heavy hair she won't
tie back. She's cruel,
as if my private meanness
found a way to punish us.
We gnaw at each other's
skulls. Give me what's mine.
I'd haul her back, choking
myself in her, herself
in me. There is a book
called poisons on her shelf.
Her room stinks with incense,
animal turds, hamsters
she strokes like silk. They
exercise on the bathroom
floor, and two drop through
the furnace vent. The whole
house smells of the accident,
the hot skins, the small
flesh rotting. Six days
we turn the gas up then
to fry the dead I'd fry
her head if I could until
she cried love, love me!
All she won't let me do.
Her stringy figure in
the windowed room shares
its thin bones with no one.
Only her shadow on the glass
waits like an older sister.
Now she stalks, leans forward,
concentrates merely on getting
from here to there. Her feet
are bare. I hear her breathe
where I can't get in. If I
break through to her, she will
drive nails into my tongue.

Shirley Kaufman


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figured out your scented powder dream!!! You were covering up the scent of sulphur exuding out of his house, a home where evil resides! That ties in beautifully with the sulphur odor that I've been smelling today, he's probably up to something evil again and mama is letting us know.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack isn't crazy, MJ, probably just chock full of male hormones. You know how yucky male hormones can be! He is a very intelligent individual! Good thing he does not take after BFI!

Have you gotten your computer back up?

Nystagamus is when someone's eyeballs fling back and forth all by themselves. Some people have a mild case a la GCP directly across the hall from you, and some people have it really bad. Their eyes dash wildly back and forth at an alarming and probably dizzying rate; distracting to say the least!

Hey, Jr, you are actually smelling sulphur??? With no rotten eggs around, or anything like that? Holy crap! Maybe the ghosts don't like the idea of a chocolate garden after all!

I'm in a funk today; just realized my 40th high school reunion is coming up next year and my baby brother just turned 50. Sigh.....

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Linderloo, you are not alone! I have to shlep over to the drug store for another bottle of hair dye to cover my gray roots. I don't want the people at my new job to realize how old and decrepit I am. Every morning that I go to work, I pile on 50lbs of make up to cover the dark rings around my eyes.
Yes, I am smelling sulphur! Unfortunately, I waited too long to order my chocolate plants and flowers and most are sold out already. I have ordered some things from Home Depot, but only one is a chocolate plant, bah!!!!

8:20 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

Oh no! No poop garden. How about the black tomaioes? Don't tell me we won't be eating their rotten deliciousness!

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooohhhh there will be black tomato's come hell or high water.

5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What chocolate plant did you find at home depot?

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Linderloo, I ordered Heuchera frosted Violet, I am also in possession of a Chocolate Delphinium that I ordered earlier from Home Depot that is either dead or dormant.

5:37 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

How can you tell if the plant is dead? It probably looks the same, live or dead!

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooohhh you are such a witch, it's no wonder that I am as damaged as I am, growing up with this sort of abuse...sigh.

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Chocolate Delphinium sounds lovely Jr, sounds sort of velvety. Are they actually brown or rust colored? But why do you think it's dead? Demand your money back!

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Linderloo, they are actually brown. It died and disappeared, but I thought it might just be dormant for the winter season. I am thinking about calling and asking for a new one since it arrived looking half dead to begin with. When will you be coming over for Mint Juleps? I checked the Farmers Almanac, and the last snow storm is at the end of March. Maybe we should plan for the first weekend in April for our garden party! That will give you and Sr. a chance to see the beginning of my chocolate adventure!

2:37 PM  
Blogger Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

I have abandoned all my blogs too. And Face book was making me crazy so I am taking a holiday from it. But you have my email addy (my fer real one). love you back!

FP Buddy Nathan

12:32 PM  

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