Thursday, May 25, 2006

Where is My Kun Pao Chicken?

Thursday night, starving and waiting for the chinese food guy to come back with my delivery which he left at the wrong house. It was a teenager who looked so stricken I couldn't even get mad. I think if he doesn't come back soon though I will die of starvation right here in front of the computer. One more day of work in the Kiddy Academy salt mine, and then a three day weekend. Oh the joy of not getting up at 5:30 am, followed by a mad rush that continues right through the work day. My friend Kadabra is coming out for a BBQ for Memorial Day, and I hope to snatch some time to work on some poems for the project I am doing with Russ. Jack had concert last night, his last one in elementary school. When they sang "What a Wonderful World" I cried. After the concert we went out for ice cream, and then got back just in time to see Taylor sing the last notes of his song in the Idol winner's circle. Happy he won, but feel like I'm losing a family in a way with the show over. How sick is that? I am too hungry to think of a poem for this post. Wait, here's one, "I like rice/rice is nice/rice is nice with szechuan spice!"


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